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Accessibility = Clarity


Revenue Streams: Upping your E-Commerce Game with Accessibility


Direct, Focused and Clear content generates better user experiences and customer retention.


Clear Accessible content generates higher sales and often results in intense customer loyalty.

Streamlining services for User Satisfaction.



Formatting Digital content for accessibility has the broad benefit of creating and forcing a rethinking your digital and online media in a clear and easy to use format. 5Seams Digital Accessibility and Compliance Services customers have discovered that our automated and human-focused review process allows them to take a fresh view of their company’s communications and identify stale, outmoded, and unclear organizational business processes, and messaging. This has resulted in dramatic cost reductions and productivity improvements for our customers.


 5Seams integrates our ADA compliance services as appropriate with our extensive experience in social media, e-commerce, digital storefront optimization, and all your digital systems. The result of this process is increased consistency of your company message.


Population and demographic challenges and such as age-related accessibility bring accessibility issues increasingly to the forefront. At some point in our lives all of us will inevitably experience access and usability challenges.


Word about organizations that support friendly, accessible content spreads rapidly in the era of social media. Organizations that lead in this area command higher revenue and public trust.


1) Clear and Simple Content gets higher search engine ranking


2) Clear and Simple Content gets greater visibility across the digital ecosystem.


3) Focused and Accessible Content drives your organization to greater success.


4) Clear and Accessible Content gets demonstrably better reviews. (reputational enhancement)


5) Users in these demographic groups are loyal and communicate their satisfaction.



Building an Inclusive Culture/ Good Corporate Citizenship

              5Seams builds messaging for digital compliance with a focus on Clarity and Access. Accessible communications and community participation are simply good corporate citizenship.


Gain of potential Employees and Customers

              Being known as an ADA compliant and friendly workplace is a key selling point for employers seeking to attract and retain personnel in the new economy. The most valuable employees in the new economy value work at organizations that are seen and understood as having progressive values of supporting the broadest participation across the community.


              Additional Benefits:


              Social Media and Search Exposure

              Legal Compliance

              Corporate Image and Branding


Getting Your Company to Leadership in Accessibility and Fairness is where our expertise comes in.

Older Couple using Internet on
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