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Legislation, Threats, and Opportunity


Now and in the Future: Getting Ahead of the Change Curve.


“Accessibility is a Civil Rights Issue.”  - Gil David, 5 Seams.


              In the United States and in countries around the world accessibility to Web and Digital Content for disability users has become a rapidly evolving and increasingly universal Legal and Business requirement for all enterprises.


Pioneering legislation such as the Americans for Disability act of (1990) and successor legislation have developed hand in hand with ongoing Social Change to create this important mandate.  

As the language of Corporate Responsibility and the increasing demands for good Corporate Citizenship have developed so has the need for businesses to be confident that they are both compliant with these requirements now … and in the future. 5Seams customers are consistently ahead of statutory requirements in these areas. 5 Seams delivers this comprehensive confidence of compliance and leadership for our customers.


“In the modern business and social environment customers are increasingly reluctant to do business with companies that are seen as being indifferent to their social responsibility as it relates to fair and equitable content access.”

Americans with Disabilities Act, Printed

*Important Notice: Content provided herein does not constitute, nor is represented as, nor should be used in place of appropriate Legal Advice, Representation or Legal Counsel. External content links are the sole responsibility of their providers and are provided for informational purposes or as applicable on a best-efforts basis only without warranty reference to applicability or fitness for individual purposes. No endorsement of or by stated or otherwise implied by any linkage or reference, either of professional or governmental entities herein.

              Accessibility Devices and Products that may be shown here are demonstrative/for fair use purposes. No endorsement of specific hardware or systems is implied by this content. All Rights reserved by respective holders.

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