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Business Virtualization Services

E-Commerce, Online Business Analytics, CRM+


Selling, distributing or managing goods or services online can appear deceptively easy, but developing a complete fulfillment, inventory, financial; process and Data Analysis (Data Science) setup is a highly challenging art and science to implement at scale.

Many vendors will sell toolkits, but it takes an experienced integrator to step back from day to day workflows and map out an eCommerce implementation that maximizes results for you.

Existing businesses have complex workflows and systems and 5seams brings knowledge of these digital “pipelines” across many industries and platforms. We have worked with all major ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) vendors and our experts know how to best integrate legacy infrastructure with your online business.


5Seams takes pride in building systems that cherish your users and support them before, during and after the sale. The result is that you grow and retain hard-won customers and build reputational equity online.

5 Seams business virtualization systems are the virtual storefront you need to maintain great business responsiveness in even the most dynamic conditions. Having designed and implemented large numbers of such systems we understand how to safely and responsively get you to market and build great online-focused organizations. We build a feedback loop for your business that enables continuous iterative improvement. Advanced data visualization implementations including dashboards can help you understand the relevant data from your e-commerce business at each level of operations.


We believe that when the process is right, you’ll have more time to focus on making sure you maintain the best strategy in your sector.

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