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Business Virtualization Services

Teamwork Systems (Messaging, Voice, Videoconferencing and Shared-Spaces)


Succeeding as a business in the new all-digital era means handling communication between your business team members and with your customers seamlessly across communication tools.


In a world where physical meetings are expensive or even impossible, 5Seams can help you select and implement the right tools your team to keep working as productively or more productively than they do in the “real world”.


Our working knowledge of the major CRM (Customer Relationship Management) vendors and toolkits is also key here …  5Seams identifies and implements the right mix of online team solutions that delivers on these requirements appropriately .We also audit these implementations carefully to understand how documents flow safely in team user environments.


We can harvest the strength of legacy systems including, IP/PBX infrastructure, along with the most advanced modern groupwork platforms and custom business messaging implementations).


We have found systems that bring the most relevant tools and information to employees in an effective way result in happier, more empowered employees as well.

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