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Non-Profit, Charitable, and Foundation Expertise.



The sector results are incontrovertible. Revenues for charitable organizations are down. Simply put, as donors and partnering organizations face increased uncertainty in the “new normal”, they have been unable to give at expected levels that support your mission.


This is even more tragic: because the shortfall, in many cases, comes at the time of greatest need for end-users, research partners, beneficiaries, and in your communities. Non-Profit entities are losing money and their survival and mission in many cases are threatened.


5Seams helps you restore, and more importantly to grow the revenue that enables your vital community mission.


We Grow Revenue and Results in the Non-Profit Sector:


“We rebuild your charity online and restore and recreate your revenue streams.”


5Seams has relevant experience in the Non-Profit sector. We understand the unique and complex needs of the Non-Profit sector for bottom-line accountability and visibility while understanding results across areas that both include and go beyond traditional business analysis. We see the persistent value in your organization that transcends simple profit/loss accounting.


“The real “Hard Problems” in management are in operating for excellence and best results in the foundation/non-profit sector. 5Seams goes directly to these challenges and finds these answers.”, Gil David, 5 Seams, Inc.

We understand that non-profit organizations and foundations often face intensive and more demanding challenges than the for-profit sector and urgently need accessible and useful decision and operation tools.


As more and more of your clients’ social and economic life moves online. The reality is that charities that do not operate in the online realm are unlikely to exist in the long term: The days of “walk-in traffic” as a major driver of and contributor to fundraising and revenue are largely gone.

How? We use a suite of technology and techniques to review and transform your organization for the new online world to rebuild your charity online and restore and recreate your revenue streams. As all business is e-business in the 2020s and beyond, so must the technology services for non-profits be built to excel and deliver in this online world.


On the revenue side, 5Seams suite of Organization Virtualization Services, Unifies your brand and organization messaging for the digital world, through a full audit and action plan for:

Website(or App) Review and Development,

E-Commerce and on Online Analytics (SEO, Social-Graph),

Better Online Teams Implementation,

Data Security,

Safety, Compliance and Risk Analysis



Once this foundation is in place,  5Seams has a suite of industry-specific tools that allow non-profits to thrive in the new normal and, indeed, to engage donors, clients, stakeholders, and users as never before. We do this by making giving a positive, value-adding, shared social experience (as appropriate) for your clients and donors.




Your organization's Donors be they individual or inter-organization are the key to your growth and survival.

Your donor list and continuing donor relationships represent a special in-violable bond of trust and partnership with your organization. Respecting your client and donor privacy, personal dignity, and wishes while understanding how to optimize and grow this relationship for both parties is key to success in the sector.

For example, A Storefront of themed merchandise may be an important tool for donors to “advertise” and share their support and participation for your cause. However, development, operation, and selection can distract from many organizations' core competencies: 5Seams can make this happen while keeping you on focus.

At a higher level understanding the goals, desires, and timelines of major donors such as bequests, inter-foundational, corporate, governmental and legacy funding are paramount. However, going beyond surviving to thrive in this area means bringing action in 2 key areas to your non-profit online.







5Seams can harness the data that is at the core of these important community relationships. We help you tell and define and tell these stories. We can bring together the key metrics of success in both fundraising and service delivery and make these metrics available to the right stakeholders via appropriate “dashboards”. 5Seams helps you understand who gives and why. This allows you to build, automate, and operate campaigns and fundraising products that see improved results and happier donors over time rather than diminishing. We also help you to rethink how promotional activities are done, so they are better understood as a rewarding, positive, and repeatable experience for your valuable donor base. The result is fundraising that raises returns while aggressively respecting expense ratios and cost factors. From regular Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to data mining, we can find the right tools to help.


Operationally we can use similar tools to streamline value for your delivery of services or work with hybrid infrastructures to leverage your existing investment and efficiencies.  




Understanding your giving community as a social graph is the key to thriving in this new world for non-profits. One-time donors are important, but repeat and ongoing supporters and networks of involved supporters enable the long-term missions and foundation goals that power real change, growth, and results. 5 Seams uses the methodology that has driven explosive growth in social networking, and other content to help you build active, self-promoting, engaged, and “viral messaging” communities of donors for your non-profit. We integrate online giving and fundraising storefronts with social media and social applications, websites, and open tools. As online communities and networks grow and shrink our approach adapts to remain digitally fresh.


A gentle Gamified Model of Donor support. Getting people in the practice of meaningfully helping each other!


The goal of 5Seams in this area is to use the often-criticized aspects of social networking and online engagement that appeal and retain users and channel this into the positive force that your non-profit organization represents. Not symbolic participation, but real, donor engagement involvement that makes donors and beneficiaries feel good. We believe this approach will improve communities online and in the real world.

5:Seams: Streamlining your Online Non-Profit Operations to Realize Effectiveness and Efficiency

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