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Learn About Designing Your Online Community for Success with M3

Features of the M3 COMMUNITY & PREMIUM Platforms *


SCALABLE AND MODULAR FOR GROWING ORGANIZATIONS: From Social Club to Multinational Member Organization.



Custom organizational branding.

Member Restricted Access Controls.

Data Ownership.

Dynamic Ongoing Member Community On-boarding and Outreach Templates.

Member Community Campaign Templates incl. (digital and physical)


Custom Terms of Service.

Detailed Engagement Reporting.

Extended Image/Media Hosting.

E-Commerce ready from Day-One.

Member Billing and Transaction Services as needed.

Even More:

 AI User Safety Engine.

Full “Private Label” Capability.

Community “Clubs” or sub-groups.

Real-Time “Conversation” Engine.


Ready to Go Data Portal - API for business integration.

Encryption Engine.


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