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Business Virtualization Services

Physical and Digital Asset Safety, Compliance and Risk Analysis

A final, key component of the Virtual Business environment requires an aggressive understanding of physical assets, digital systems safety, as well as the regulatory environment governing your online business. Key regulatory considerations relating to customer privacy, customer data security, general data security and business compliance in the digital era.

For example, operating a successful organization in the digital world often means supervising physical assets, systems, plant and inventory, and personnel across physically disparate locations that may be unstaffed or lightly staffed. Digital business environments often have customers that are involved in self-service or delivery-type transactions. No business virtualization audit would be complete without understanding how these issues interact with your business.

Automated and systematic protocols and monitoring systems, including image analysis tools implemented by 5seams have reduced or eliminated inventory shrinkage, theft, and dramatically improved safety for the employees and customers of our partners while maintaining user privacy, trust, and legal compliance.

 To achieve meaningful safety in these environments involves a comprehensive plan for employee and customer safety and asset accountability.

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