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The M3 System™


BUILDING DIGITAL member enterprise communities on the right foundation.


WHY? Building digital member community or digital enterprise on the right foundation.

IMPORTANT: M3 lets you start small/right away but will grow with you. You do not need to be technical, or a trained “administrator”.  Automated features make it easy and fun to use. You follow your passion …


          The M3 System delivers an engaging, compelling, and safe-sponsored community experience for the communities around your organization or business or groups of interested people. It’s real, responsible, identity-based useful “social media” sponsored by your group with the emphasis on positive interactions, control, and utility for BOTH users and community builders.


          The 2020s are a time of remarkable social and business change and challenge. What was previously a trend toward digitization has become the sudden reality for organizations of all sizes. Regular community interactions in the digital space are the foundation of all enterprises in the 2020s.

          Building Your Digital Community or Business at scale with a focus on a generic public social media platform, or so-called “free to use” public space, is an operational, reputational, and legal risk and your organization can no longer afford.


          Conversely: Businesses that use M3 find customers become members and do not switch to competitors casually.


          Organizations built with other platforms as a core experience are NOT IN CHARGE of, nor do they have ownership of their own content and community. Their end-users are not in control of the experience … and they feel it. A third party ultimately decides what or any of your content your user sees and how it is presented.


         In the absence of trust, user experiences are guarded, superficial, and unrewarding. With M3 Professional, you have full ownership of your data and your users own their online experiences positively.


Member sponsored and controlled, high quality, engaging member communities for organizations and groups.

Built for Safety, Flexibility, Ease of Use, and Enjoyment.

Fast … Online Forums, Chat, and Marketplace.


Extraordinary, Professionally Managed Digital Communities Start for $295/yearly.*


World-Leading community engagement platform for member organizations, professional groups and certifying bodies.


Compelling User Feedback Mechanisms create customers, members and users that stay!


Built from the Ground Up, for Safety, Engagement, Privacy.

Scalable; Data Ownership, Leverage, and Control.

Legally Compliant and Reduces Reputational Risk.

Enhances and Elevates your Brand and online Message Clearly.


Ability to enable and disable comprehensive features to organizational needs.



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